≡ 6 Simple Reasons Why Luxury Fashion Brands Are So Expensive 》 Her Beauty

6 Simple Reasons Why Luxury Fashion Brands Are So Expensive


Ever been perusing through beautiful pieces at a high-end retail shop, and wondered why everything is so expensive? It is commonplace for luxury brands to charge astronomical prices for their products and clothing. You may find an inexpensive piece of clothing and a near replica at a high-end clothing store – and the only difference between the two is the price tag. It may seem unfathomable for luxury designers to charge so much more than less reputable name brands, but there is actually a bit of method to the price point madness of high-end clothing. Here are simple reasons why luxury fashion brands are so expensive. 

The word “luxury” comes with a price tag.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of luxury fashion is in fact the price point. Without the increased price, high-end brands could be perceived as not so high end. Some luxury brands are starting to offer more affordable options, but the reputation of luxury is still cemented by the raised cost you pay at the counter. 


Consumers want to feel special or important.

For many loyal consumers of luxury fashion brands, the higher the price they pay, the more they tap into that perception of luxury. Many consumers feel that the higher the price for the products they buy, the higher they are asserting themselves into society or an elite class of wealth and success.  
